Created to ensure that our library will always be a welcoming and well-equipped center of life-long learning for readers of all ages – both today, and for generations to come.

Library: A place in which literary and artistic materials are kept for reading and reference.
The public library is any community’s most valuable asset. It is a ready source of information and inspiration, helping to broaden horizons and deepen understanding. It provides the environment and the tools to sharpen skills and to learn new ones, and it can provide a quiet haven for consideration and reflection on the issues of the day, and of the ages.

Our library provides this and more to all the residents of our community in an environment free from the influences of commercialization or ideology. All are welcome through the doors of our library, and there is no entry fee. What other community institution provides so much for so little?

Our spacious library, with its state of the art facilities, helpful and professional staff, and calm and welcoming environment provides even more opportunities for…
- Workshops and classes
- Study groups
- Book group discussions
- Technology training
- Community events
- Author events
- Early childhood programs for toddlers and their parents
- Special programs for children, teens and adults
- and…
And yet, while there is never an entry fee, a community library is not free. As a community-sponsored institution, the library is subject to the instabilities of the economy and the budget process. A library can’t provide the full range of services of which it is capable if it doesn’t have sufficient funds. When budgets are a pressing concern, libraries are often the first institutions considered for funding reductions – even closure.
In response to these concerns, the Diamond Bar Friends of the Library created the Library Endowment Fund.

Our Purpose…
The purpose of the Diamond Bar Library Endowment Fund is to provide a stable, reliable source of funding for the library. The Endowment’s charter specifies that the funding will be used to enhance and modernize the library’s collections, materials and technological facilities.
The technology of the written word has and will continue to change. The information contained in the world’s first known library was inscribed on clay tablets; today’s printed books may eventually give way to digital formats. Whatever the technology, the Endowment seeks to ensure that the content – from the classics of yesterday to the most contemporary of today – will be available and accessible to our library’s patrons.
Equally important, the Endowment will enable the collections contained within Diamond Bar’s library to grow in size and scope, to richly provide for the diverse interests of the community’s residents.